This week I was in Colorado Springs all week for training for work. I decided to summarize my experiences in this week's High Five for Friday.
1. The mountains are an amazing backdrop to the Colorado sky. I took 45637 pictures of them this week and unfortunately, the pictures don't do it justice. I wish I would have gotten closer to the mountains, but they were amazing to see on my way to work every day this week.
2. I got to actually use my sweaters and scarfs this week! It's been very warm in Ohio for October and the crisp, Colorado air was exactly what I needed. I even saw a mini snowfall on Tuesday! It, of course melted right away, but it made me excited for the next couple of seasons (I'll probably regret typing this when the first Cleveland snowfall hits).
3. Colorado is the king of the breweries. There were so many different small breweries in Colorado Springs that I explored a few with my coworkers. One of them was Trinity Brewing and they had a great beer list and an awesome veggie burger that was even vegan! Colorado is also very veggie friendly meaning I actually had options at a brew pub! Believe me, that doesn't happen often.
4. I was in training for work this week, so I was able to see our other site in Colorado Springs. It was great to see everything in person and to meet half of a team that I work with on a daily basis. The people on my team that I mostly had never met before was my favorite part of the week. Everyone was so nice and welcoming.
5. I had my first ever rental car and boy was it an experience! Fortunately, my company signed me up for the executive program meaning I could chose any top of the line car from a lot of cars. I'm not crazy into cars (like some of my coworkers), but it was nice to pick what I wanted to drive around town all week!
Hope you had a great week!
NEVER be excited about snow in Cleveland- it will last for 8 months! But I think the fall weather has finally arrived!