Today I'm recapping a throwback to Memorial Day weekend to describe our amazing travel adventure to Cincinnati, Ohio. This is the second time we have visited Cincinnati (you can read about our previous trip
here) because of ties that Danny and I have to the city.
We drove into Cincinnati on Friday and luckily were able to meet up with one of my best friends and bridesmaids, Kaela and her fiance Brad. This was the first time seeing them after they got engaged and was so special to sit down with them and catch up on everything that had changed in our lives. Kaela used to live in Cleveland, but moved to Cincinnati once she met Brad and they started dating. It was great to see both of them. After hanging out with Brad and Kaela for awhile, they went home to prepare for the weekend and Danny and I checked out a bar near our hotel called Frickers. It was a fun place and the perfect end to our first night in Cincinnati.
The next day, we decided to explore the city. I have been to Cincinnati numerous times over my lifetime and Danny has lived in Cincinnati, but we still like to see the attractions. One of those attractions being Newport Aquarium which is technically in Newport, Kentucky. The aquarium is one of the best and is always great to see all of the sea creatures. We saw the shark tank and I even pet sting rays and starfish.
The Shark Tank |
After the aqaruim, we went downtown to go to our first Reds game that weekend. It was great to be at the ballpark and we even paid a visit to me and my Dad's brick (located outside of Great American Ballpark) that I got him when the ballpark was constructed. Dad and I would root for the Reds when I was younger and my favorite baseball player played for the Reds for a short time.
My Brick at Great American Ballpark |
During the game, Danny and I were able to go to the Reds pressbox to visit his old bosses from when Danny worked for the Reds. Rob and Larry were very nice and even showed me the intern wall of fame where I saw Danny's picture from 2010. Even though the Reds lost, it was a fun night at the ballpark.
Danny in 2010 when he worked with the Reds |
The next day, Danny and I headed downtown early to check out the Taste of Cincinnati. They had a ton of restuarants and local breweries that were featured and even live music and tons of activities. Among these activities were a magician. He was amazing and even involved both of us in his tricks. After walking around for a bit, I was very excited to see that Great Lakes Brewery was a featured vendor since they are a local Cleveland brewery. I had to get a Great Lakes beer to represent Cleveland down in Cincinnati!
Representing Cleveland in Cincinnati! |
After the taste of Cincinnati, we headed to Mooreland Lagerhouse for our fancy dinner before the game started. I ended up getting a really good tofu dish and Danny had crabcakes. After dinner we headed to the game for yet another fun night at the ballpark, but unfortunately another loss from the Reds. All in all, it was a great weekend filled with so many great memories! Cincinnati will always be a great place for us to visit.
Tofu and crabcakes |
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