This seemed like the perfect Sunday to start blogging again with
Sunday Social. This week's topic is about the special people in my life.
1. Tell us about the family you grew up in, parents, siblings, grandparents.
I grew up with my parents and my older brother, Marc who is three and a half years older than me. I grew up as a Daddy's girl and continue to be that way today. Even in college, I would call home to tell my Dad how my day went and what was going on in my life at that time. Nowadays, my Dad and I are actual pen pals! I love writing letters back and forth with him! My mom and I weren't as close as me and my Dad growing up, but that all changed when I went to college. Now, my mom is my best friend. She is always there for me when I need her and I am so thankful to have the relationship that we have today.
2. Tell us about your husband, fiancé, boyfriend, significant other.
My husband, Danny grew up in Southern Indiana (suburb of Louisville, KY). He grew up playing baseball and continued playing in college at a school in Indiana. After school, he continued to surround himself with baseball by spending four years working for baseball teams including in 2012 when he got a job with the Cleveland Indians. We met just two weeks after he moved to Cleveland on eHarmony. We got engaged 5 months later and the rest is history! (You can read our love story
here). Danny is kind, caring, sensitive, and everything I could ever imagine my husband to be. I am so lucky that I truly found the man of my dreams and I can't wait to see what our life has in store for us!
3. Tell us about your children. If you don’t have children, talk about your fur children.
I don't have any children yet, but I have plenty of fur children to answer the question. I have two kitty children and two puppy children, all who are special in their own way. Teddy and Rosie (kitties) are four years old, Yogi is 18 months, and Zoey is 10 months old. We love our babies and could not imagine our lives without any of them.
4. Tell us about your best friends. How long have you known them? How did you meet?
My best friends are Ashleigh and Kara. I met them both through my job. At one point, I worked with both of their husbands. None of us are from the area originally which is why our bond is so strong. They support me, love me, and I know they will be there for me for whatever I need. They are my Cleveland family.
Me with Ashleigh and Kara |
5. Tell us about any other special people in your life.
Below are some of the other special people in my life!
My Mother and Father-in-law. My husband is an only child, so when we got engaged, his parents both invited me into their family with open arms and accepted me as a daughter of their own. I am so glad they live closer to us now and I love the relationship that we have developed over the last two years!
My niece and nephew. Even though they have been nine hours away from me, my niece and nephew hold a special place in my heart. I am so excited for them to move back up to Ohio, so I can see them more often!